ST@R log

Some time ago, I was discussing how one would build/design such a game and it got me thinking. With an EGA Trek inspiration, I started working on one.

After 2 weeks of prototyping, here's what I got so far:

  • A proc-gen galaxy map that you can travel around similarly to Master of Orion. Taking multiple turns for your ship to travel depending on how much fuel you decide to spend; allowing you to walk around your ship while you wait.
  • a proc-gen solar system where you can orbit specific planets.
  • a proc-gen planet surface that you can select an area, scan it and beam down to.
  • Fluid system that can turn liquids into solids or gas depending on temperature.

Short term things I want to implement:

  • Objects being influences by fluid current.
  • proc-gen spaceship layouts to board (+ your own ship) and still have some faction-based architecture.
  • proc-gen "the Sims" or "Fallout Shelter" style crew members that'll handle various ship systems or follow you on away missions.
  • JRPG-style ship-to-ship combat system that happen every few turns while you're dealing with your ship taking damage (Hull breaches, leaks, intruders, etc).

It's not very presentable at the moment as I'm trying to get as many systems done as possible but I think I can get a good amount of the game in a playable state even with just coloured tiles/cubes. My biggest concern from a visual standpoint is getting some amount of cohesion between the solar system stuff and the actual game view. Cool thing about projects like these is how much it can scale, I'm currently only building the foundation.

Thoughts and ideas are appreciated.

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